Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You suck!!

So today, I had one of those ah-ha moments that Oprah talks about- but not in a good way. Matthew (our 2 1/2 year old) and I had a great day shopping and going out to lunch. He was such a good little shopper and had no potty accidents, which I was very proud of him for. So when we got home he wanted a snack and I proceeded to fix him a little cup of goldfish. When he was climbing onto the chair at the kitchen table he accidentally knocked the whole cup onto the floor. He immediately looked down at the scattered goldfish and said, "You suck!!" I immediately told him it was ok and I would get him some more. Then I realized WHY he had said that. Only because he has heard me say it when I or one of the other kids spilled something. Wow, that makes a mom feel good...

Lesson of the day (thanks to Matthew):
Don't cry over spilled milk, or goldfish for that matter!